Sunday, October 01, 2006

M31 and M110 a nice pair!

This is latest image from the BRT of the Andromeda Galaxy but this time taken with the cluster camera and adjusting the exposure. After some processing with Photoshop and PSP5 the results are fantastic! You can see M110 the partner galaxy to Andromeda which I cannot see with my own images.

Saw a lovely view of Orion the other morning, can't wait for it to appear in the sky in the evening!

Here are the details fro BRT of M31 and M110:

Your Job

Request ID 37057
Job ID 26661
Object Type MESSIER
Object ID 31
Object Name The Andromeda Galaxy
Exposure Time 60000 ms
Filter Type Colour
Dark frame Instant
Site Name Tenerife
Telescope Type Name Cluster
Telescope Name Cluster Camera
Request Time 22:18 on Thursday 28 September 2006 (21:18:11 UTC)
Completion Time 05:16 on Sunday 1 October 2006 (04:16:46 UTC)
Comments M31 Wide Field
Status Complete

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