Tonight's Sunset with image taken with my Canon 350D.
Spring at the Sun shone and temperature reached 17 degrees, beautiful day! I even took my children on the field at school to play cricket this afternoon...gorgeous!
On Sunday I went out into the garden with my Skywatcher ST80 and SLT mount. After aligning the GoTo scope I connected my new copy of Starry Night Pro 5 with the RS232 Interface in the hope of getting the software to connect, find and guide objects in Starry Night. I must admit...I was worked perfectly! I can point and slew to any Deep Sky Object in the Starry Night database with pinpoint accuracy!
Did a bit of housekeeping work over the weekend, tightened the SLT mount to stop my camera from moving the scope and got the power supply working with the mount. I can now control the telescope from both the handset and the Laptop. I'm not sure whether to add an electronic focus unit to ST80...still working on that one!