Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Venus and Cresent Moon!

A beautiful sight - Venus and the Cresent Moon low in the Western sky.

The 'Earthshine' which is the part of the Moon not lit by the Sun, but from our Earth, can be seen plainly. I think tonight saw the best Earthshine ever and I wanted to capture this by using my DSLR Camera. It took a bit of patience and experimenting, but managed to take some great images!

This week I invested in a huge 320GB External Hard Drive so that I can store and catalogue my AVI's and Photos. I have astro stuff all over the place, including CD ROMs of early AVI's and particularly those of Mars which can be re-processed using new techniques and software. So I am now working on moving my images onto the new hard drive which can be accessed from both my desktop computer and Laptop.

I have also bought a copy of Starry Night Pro 5 which was on offer from Pulsar Optical. It arrived today so I am hoping that I will be able to control my SLR go-to mount from Starry Night. I think I may have to download some updates, but these should be free...watch this space!

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