Friday, February 02, 2007

Full Moon with Saturn

What a night! First seeing Venus and Mercury for the first time and then the Moon and Saturn in conjunction.
The sky is clear and the air is crisp, so I set up my ST80 and SLT mount in the garden. At first I tried to image M42, but the SLT would not recognise the alignment stars, tried 3 or 4 times but no lock! Why is this? I thought...could it be the time settigs? It was! The time setting for the SLT was way out, I don't know why...I reset...and away it went! By this time M42 had disappeared behind a tree, the Full Moon had appeared above the rooftops, so I decided to try to image the Full Moon and that 'star' that was nearby. The tracking on the SLT mount is great, while imaging with the Toucam Pro II the Moon never moved!

After imaging a few Moon avi's I tried to capture the Moon and 'star'... when I did I could clearly see Saturn and the Moon.


The full Moon is very bright, so in my images of Saturn and the Moon, the Moon is over exposed. The picture above is made up of two images taken at the same time of the Moon and Saturn and merged together...COOL!!

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