Saturday, April 07, 2007

Big Brother in Space

Here I am with Vernon Kay!

Following the 50th Aniversary of Sky at Night it seems that the BBC need to jazz up their production of S@N , bring in a few celebrities and compete with Daytime TV

It seems that the only way these days to get early slots are reality programmes, soaps, auctions, gardening and houses!How about some suggestions:

Sky Force - Nominate someone for Alan and Charlie to come round while you are out to build and set up your dream observatory!

Big Brother in Space - Send Chris Linnott, Brian May John Culshaw, Mylene Klass and Jade to the International Space Station and we all watch it on reality TV with a focus on the cosmos! Sir Patrick could stay on Earth and stand in for Davina McColl!

Cash in the Observatory - Sell your old stuff through a specialist astro auction house to gain cash for a dream astro project!

Constellation Street - Weekly events of life in the cosmos, presented by Kate Ford.

M Farm - Dingles approach to Deep Sky Imaging!

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