Friday, December 15, 2006

It never rains...

It never rains..but it pours! This week has brought some awful weather, even when the skies were clear, the wind was howling! Back garden is thoroughly water-logged...not good for bringing out the scopes!
I have now got the dovetail from 'Scopes 'n' Skies' and a USB adaptor from Maplin, so all go for the SLT after Christmas.
Tomorrow is forecast to be clear and sunny. If I manage to wake up around dawn i'm hoping to see the triangle of planets just before sunrise. Mars, Mercury and Saturn will rise together just before the sun. I have never seen Mercury yet, so this could be a first!

The image above is my first attempt at of The Orion Nebula (M42)taken a year ago (when the weather was better!) Image taken with my Skywatcher 130m on 12th December 2005 and processed with Registax 3.

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