Sunday, December 03, 2006

Nearly Christmas!

Did some Christmas shopping yesterday, got a copy of 'BANG!" all about the begining of the universe. is a Christmas present, so I won't get chance to read it until Christmas!

It's a quiet period at the moment, tonight the full moon is beautiful, but the wind is blowing at 70mph...not good for getting the scope out. I've just got a serial lead for the SLT scope and have ordered a dovetail for the ST80 to mount on the SLT. I now need an USB to RS232 converter so that I can run my laptop to the SLT for computer control. I'm looking forward to trying out the computer controlled mount on a crisp, frosty night when Orion is in all it's glory!

Snug and warm in my little shack, pity I can't control the SLT from here!


mark_smith said...

I am also getting Bang for crimbo cant wait.


mark_smith said...

Hi just noticed you have still got my old link under astro mark. the new link can be found below.


Sam Hawkins said...

Hello Steve, Great blog! Christmas is nearly here and the skies are getting clearer : ) In answer to your request, i have added a link to your site and your blog on my can be found at:

Enjoy your chrimbo - Sam